Explore~Evoke~Enact Transcend Consultations consist of exploring your vision, what’s blocking you, connecting to your authenticity and integrating all the aspects of who you are into a more whole self. In addition, we will collaborate to create together a step by step plan to get where you want to go. Sessions are 90 minutes and may or may not include learning specific coping and self care strategies,as well as actively engaging in somatic techniques, intuitive practices, energetic clearings and guided visualizations. can be completed in person or through video chat.

Progress and Guidance Holistic Coaching Sessions give guidance and course corrections in your personal growth journey, as you navigate towards your ultimate goal. Learn strategies, techniques and revelations that will empower you to harness your inner strengths and energy so that you can level up and immediatly begin to transform your life from the inside out. Sessions are 60 minutes long and can be completed in person, through video chat, or phone.

Alignments are 30 minute check-ins to ensure that you are still aligned with the course you set in the beginning of our work together and that you have maintained the progress you have gained and are continuing to move forward. Any blocks or obstacles will be identified to ease your way. Sessions can be completed in person, through video chat, phone or text.

Skill Building Workshops are an excellent opportunity to learn techniques and strategies that will level up multiple areas of life satisfaction. Techniques from DBT, CBT, Polyvagal therapy, mindfulness, positive and humanistic psychological theories, and intuitive traditions are just a few that may be explored in our workshops. In addition, direct question and answer sessions and support groups will also be ways we can connect and celebrate our personal growth journeys together. Skill building workshops can be 30 to 90 minutes and range from $33 to $55. Subscribe to our newsletter and stay informed so that you aren’t missing any of the new workshops coming your way soon.

The Transcend Newsletter is a once a month newletter packed with valuable information such as tips on managing stress, uncertainty, grief or anxiety. Ways to level up and easily transcend seemingly huge obstacles. Tips on reigning in negative and self critical thinking, increase feelings of wellbeing and joy, and making a meaning impact in your community. New announcements for any events, sales, blogs, merch, retreats and fun ways to connect will all be here and it’s free.

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